Henna cones
This is organic henna. Made from all organic ingredients i.e henna powder, sugar, essential oils and lemon.
I have got 2 different range of henna cones which are Eucalyptus blend and Bridal blend.You can choose the tip size which comes in 3 sizes: 0.35mm (intricate) , 0.38mm(thin), 0.45mm(normal).
100% organic henna. Color develops in 24-48hrs.
Henna gives good stain if you keep them in freezer and can stay in freezer for upto 6months.(No more than 3thaws)
Minimum 3 cones order.
Patch test required one day before applying on your hand.
You can check our shipment dates on the top of my website. We close orders before 7pm on Sunday!
The price is for single henna cone!